Bram Brouwer

Prof. dr. Abraham (Bram) Brouwer (1952) holds an MSc degree in Biochemistry
and Pharmacology, and a PhD degree in Medicine from Leiden University (Netherlands). He is an officially licensed toxicologist with over 20 years of experience in the field of environmental and nutritional toxicology.
In 1987 he finished his Ph.D. thesis on an environmental toxicology project entitled ‘Interference of 3,3’,4,4’-tetrachlorobiphenyl in vitamin A (retinoids) metabolism: possible consequences for toxicity and carcinogenicity’. He has over 20 years of experience in the field of environmental and nutritional toxicology, with special emphasis on mechanisms of action, endocrine toxicology, design and validation of molecular biomarkers and developmental and reproductive toxicology. He has been a member of a number of expert panels and committees on the possible adverse health effects of dioxins and endocrine disrupting chemicals and is frequently employed as temporary advisor on this topic for e.g. WHO, EU-DGXII, IPCS, EPA, NIEHS/NIH and national health council committees.
Abraham Brouwer has participated in many national and international research projects and consortia, including EU-FAIR, EU-ENV, EU-BMAI projects, Dutch Health Council Programmes, NWO, STW, Preventiefonds. Some examples are: ‘Analysing combination effects of mixtures of estrogenic chemicals in marine and freshwater organisms’ (ACE EVK1-CT-2001-00100), ‘Comparison of exposure –effect pathways to improve the assessment of human health risks of complex environmental mixtures of organohalogens’ (COMPARE QLK4-2000-00261), ‘Risk assessment of brominated flame retardants as suspected endocrine disrupters for human an wildlife’ (FIRE QLRT-2001-00596, 13-06-2002).
PCBs and Dioxin-related toxicology, endocrine toxicology, developmental toxicology, reproduction toxicology, tumor promotion, receptor-mediated mechanisms, bioassays and biomarker development and application, risk assessment, ecotoxicology.
Academic training

Professional employment history

Professional associations
- Dutch Royal Society of Chemistry (1981 – ongoing)
- Dutch Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1982- ongoing)
- Dutch Federation of Medical Science Foundations (1979-ongoing)
- Dutch Society of Toxicology (1987-ongoing)
- Dutch Science Foundation, Thyroid Hormone Group (1993-ongoing)
- American Society of Toxicology (1995-ongoing)
Over 200 publications in peer reviewed Journals.