Vietnam is the second-largest (after Thailand) exporter worldwide and the world’s seventh-largest consumer of rice. Currently most of the waste of rice production (rice straw) is burned on the land. Similar to Malaysia, Vietnam is challenged to increase sustainability and economic return on present waste materials from rice. In Vietnam BE-Basic collaborates with the Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology (VAST).

Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology
In May 2011 BE-Basic signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology (VAST) with the aim to setup and execute a bio-based research program within Vietnam. VAST and BE-Basic intend to cooperate by means of a Joint Research Programme. This collaboration is aimed at improving soil quality and nutrient recycling, but is likely to further develop into similar directions as the collaboration with Malaysia.
VAST website
Contact Bram Brouwer for more information about the BE-Basic collaborations with Vietnam.