BIG-Cluster (BioInnovation Growth mega-Cluster)
In 2014, 10 leading public-private organisations in biobased innovation of North Rhein Westphalia, The Netherlands and Flanders launched BIG-C, the BIO-Innovation Growth mega-Cluster, as the integrating organisation for current and future biobased initiatives. The initiative was taken by CLIB2021 (NRW), BE-Basic (NL) and FISCH (Flanders).

The Bio Innovation Growth mega-Cluster (BIG-Cluster) is the cross-border Smart Specialisation initiative aiming at transforming Europe’s industrial mega cluster in the Belgium region of Flanders, The Netherlands and the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia into the global leader of biobased innovation growth. Due to its excellent position in the 4 Pillars of Competitiveness being institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomics and education the mega cluster, also known as Antwerpen-Rotterdam-Rhine-Ruhr (ARRR), has for decades been a powerhouse of industrial innovation in the chemistry sector. BIG-Cluster proposes to join forces in moving towards renewable resources. By leveraging the ARRR in facing the upcoming transition towards the bio-economy, prosperity is secured and the most relevant societal challenges of industrial employment, raw material scarcity and climate change are addressed. Building on existing national and regional strengths and biobased initiatives BIG-Cluster will drive and leverage the national programs regarding for instance the Smart Specialisation Strategies as well as the European Horizon2020 strategy through workable and ready-to implement sustainable flagship value chains. BIG-Cluster will create the foundations to use so far neglected resources to produce chemicals up to consumer products and energy carriers in a cascading valorisation process. Through implementing bio innovations it will fundamentally shift the base of our daily life from fossil to biobased and other renewable resources. At the same time BIG-Cluster will strengthen the economy building on and further developing the 4 Pillars of Competiveness by Smart Specialisation.
Contact Luuk van der Wielen for more information about the BE-Basic collaboration with BIG-Cluster.