CLIB2021 (Cluster Industrial Biotechnology)
In 2012 BE-Basic (Bio-based Ecologically Balanced Sustainable Industrial Chemistry) and CLIB2021 (Cluster for Industrial Biotechnology) signed memorandum of understanding to cooperate in developing the bio-economy.

The cooperation will target partnering along new value chains and education in bio-economy. Aspects from politics, economics, society, technology, legislation, and ecology will be addressed in a holistic way. Stakeholders from all fields will benefit from the aggregated know-how of the two partnering open innovation clusters. This way members and partners of the clusters foster bio-economy in Europe and far beyond. Since both clusters have built excellent international networks, they have global reach for raw materials as well as technology partnering.
CLIB2021 is an association with members from academia, industry, SME, investors and public organisations fostering industrial biotechnology in chemical and energy industries. The German Ministry of Education and Research supports a federal public private consortium R&D program in order to execute a R&D program in biotechnology. In this context BMBF supports CLIB2021. In addition CLIB2021 is supported by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia. CLIB2021 works on developing and providing technologies for the bio-economy as outlined by the German Bio-economy Research and Technology Council.
Contact Luuk van der Wielen for more information about the BE-Basic collaboration with CLIB2021.